
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Re-thinking series...

RE-thinking Pollock in NY, 24x24", 1997
In the middle of the 90's I found an old shower curtain in our studio building. It was old and had an interesting pink/yellow flowers design on it in the style of the 50s. After washing it and thinking about putting it in my shower I thought about relationships between time and shower... like anything else in our life showers have designs, shapes, colors and structures that come with each one + they are connected with time in another way - each person takes his own time on taking a shower... we rearly talk about them... showers are personal. ..somehow through all that thinking I came up with a series of painting in which in different settings famous people have been taking showers. Painting "Jackson Pollock Masturbating in the shower" was mentioned in a Boston Globe in such a way that I decided to destroy it...and the painting "Re-thinking Pollock in NY" happened... I loved the idea of connecting landscape with design of the wall (time message, interior/exterior) and a piece of art that would be recognizable. Other re-thinking paintings followed.. I do not have images of all of them, but here are three I found in my slides. Last week somebody asked me to paint a version of "RE-thinking Malevich in Moscow". While talking about it I realized that this work has a structure and options can be changed to fit. ARTIST + PLACE+ WEATHER+TIME+ HISTORY... 
I am thinking about working on this again putting more thought into the process...
Each artist has many geographical locations connected to him/her known to us by their biographies. Based on an artists personal background, religion, and place in Art History different kinds of messages can be included in each piece. ..

RE-thinking Malevich in Moscow, 46x48", 1996

RE-thinking Klein in Provincetown, 24x24", 1997

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